P & C

Parents and Citizens Association

The P&C is the voice of parents and carers within the school.  Attending P&C meetings is a great way to learn about activities taking place in the school and how you can contribute. The P&C welcome the involvement of all interested parents and carers.  Meetings are usually held in the school library on Tuesday evenings at 7pm in Weeks 3 and 7 during school terms.

The main objectives of the P&C are to:

Each year the P&C provides thousands of dollars for school equipment and assists in financing selected major projects. In the past the P&C has provided money towards a fitness circuit, musical instruments, class resources, playground equipment and an all purpose court.

The P&C also runs a second hand uniform shop and various social and fundraising functions for parents and children including general parent meetings, dances and guest speakers. The biggest event on the P&C fundraising calendar is the biennial Twilight Fair. Most importantly, the P&C provides opportunities for parents to meet and work with teachers for the benefit of the children.

You may contact the P&C at torrenspnc@gmail.com

Disclaimer: Torrens Primary School is not responsible for any content or views held on the P&C Facebook site.